What a great debut show show we had – well set up and stocked by Tom Bettle and ably assisted by Viv Sullivan.
We met lots of our existing customers and began relationships with new ones too.
We had a lot of fun.
Happy Hour officially started on day 1 at 17.00 hours – but it did get earlier each day
We financed our largest deal to date – the show Bavaria Vision 42 show boat for Clipper Marine – this will be in the Med from the beginning of November
Herefordshire friends came and said hello and showed us their latest fashion purchases
And we met new customers and acquaintances from the RORC racing circuit who were looking to replace their existing fast boat with an even quicker boat
Some of our regulars were being sorely tempted to upgrade to bigger boats
Promarine Finance were pleased to join the RNLI during the show
And old friends visited to remind us of funny rhymes and talk about CQS and the 2017 Fastnet
“I wish I were a glow worm
A glow worm’s never glum
How can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum” Robo 2017