Please help us reach our target for CRT fund raising.
Over the August bank holiday, myself and Liza took on the CRT Canalathon challenge. The Canalathon was set up by the CRT for runners to run a marathon distance over June. As regular runners, we decided this was a good opportunity to combine some training and fundraising for the CRT, but August would be the earliest time we could undertake this.
We don’t live near any canals so we thought it would be a good idea to revisit Crick and run to visit three of our regular broker partners, Aquavista, ABNB, and Whilton Marina.
Mark at Aquavista was most welcoming permitting us to park near the facilities block. This was the first time we have visited Crick outside of the annual boat show and it is a beautiful, incredibly well-maintained, serene marina.
We had a meal in Crick town at the Wheatsheaf with Justin and Emma of ABNB who also manage Crick Wharf. The food was good, the beer was plentiful, and more calorie-building than nutritionists would consider ideal preparation.
It rained all of Friday night and most of Saturday morning. So eventually we had no option but to set out in the drizzle.
Heading north on the Grand Union we found regular sections of reeds choking the navigation only allowing boats to pass in single file. Some think this will be impassable unless work is undertaken soon. The towpath is also overgrown in places and care needs to be taken where holes/subsidence has occurred. There was a section that was closed for repairs so obviously maintenance is being undertaken.
After 12 miles and about 30 bridges, we made it to ABNB and were grateful for a warm dry seat, a chance to dry our feet and, a hot cup of tea with added sugar for energy.
We had made a picnic of sorts so ate this here.

To be honest I was a little anxious about running 12 miles back but we got started and the cruising boats and their decoration and adornments helped ignore my aching legs. I was almost grateful for the bridges as they gave me an excuse to walk. Liza was a machine but admitted it was more painful to walk than run – I am afraid I felt the opposite, which is normal I think.
We made it back to Crick at around 6pm in the warm evening sunshine and had a cup of tea overlooking the marina. My legs were shot, particularly my hamstrings after covering 23.72 miles in 5 hrs 21 mins.
Day 2

Sunday was a much better day with sunshine and quite a strong breeze. The start of our journey south took us through Crick town to get around the tunnel.
When we rejoined the canal we found it much wider and in better condition than yesterday. There were more boats and people about.
We encountered Watford Locks with several boats queuing to up. We were told those at the back would be waiting 2 ½ hrs.
7 miles in and we arrived at Whilton Marina where Ian and Dave were working.

We had a hot drink and sausage roll in the café before starting our way back to Crick. It wasn’t very long before we sat on a bench and ate our picnic lunch.
Surprisingly my legs felt better than I was expecting – they were tired obviously but not rigid. Liza was still the strongest of the two of us and didn’t complain when I said I needed to walk.
As we came into Crick we saw Emma and Justin painting their boat. It was threatening rain so they stopped and made us a cup of tea.
We were back at Aquavista 14.31 miles in 3 hrs 19 mins with legs like jelly and finally Liza had to walk the last ½ mile – thank goodness. To my surprise, I found running on the flat much harder than I expected and my legs hurt in different places to where they normally do on our more usual hilly terrain.

Our inland waterways are underfunded but like many resources these days, there is not enough money to meet their needs. We saw a lot of boaters, some people walking, one runner and one cyclist.
Our business is strongly connected to inland boating and so our Canalathon is our way of giving something back.
There are lots more pictures on our page https://www.justgiving.com/page/promarinefinance
If you can manage a small donation we will be really grateful, as we are to those who have generously donated so far.